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Monday, June 25, 2007

Just a nice friday by Grandma & Grandpa

I'm sorry this is late, but sometimes I just forget...
Anyway, a few weeks ago we had a nice Friday lunch by Grandma & Grandpa, the stoffer family also came to visit, they were in full force because everybody came to Israel for the Brit (Hint! Hint!)...

I had a great car, Grandma took out my car for me so me and Ori played and drove around in the garden. I also ate some food.

Aviad came home from the army and I was really excited, I didn't realize how much I missed my uncle, everyone was happy to see him but I was the happiest. He looks taller...


Sunday, June 10, 2007

I'm eating spaghetti now

Look at me... Spaghetti is good! especially with the sauce mommy makes - I just love it.

We sat to eat at the table and daddy decided to give me some spaghetti which I never succeeded in eating before, I gave it another try and now I can.

Have a look:

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I love sunflowers, they are just growing now around the village and everytime we pass by I look at them for as long as I can...

Daddy says they follow the sub all day, and that is why they are called that.

So daddy decided that since I like them so much (he admitted that he liked them too) he will take some pictures of me and the sunflowers (mommy also joined as you can see)

Here they are: