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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Happy Hanuka!

Last night we had candle lighting at home, Bobby and Aunt Shoham came to visit, and Uncle yoseleh popped in for a second or two, just to say hello and eat some of the delicious schnitzels mommy made for supper.

We lighted candles, everybody gave me presents (I like presents :-)) but the firetruck scared me a bit... I had a great time and then I went to sleep...

Here I am helping daddy light the candles:

Monday, December 18, 2006

Mia Magic!

Daddy made me a magic wand! he used his lathe to create it and added some serious magic to it - and now I'm learning to be a magician!

Winter is here in Israel, not so much rain but it is cold - so mommy and daddy ordered and installed a new airconditioner in our house - it is now warm and cozy on the floor and everywhere inside!

Chanuka is marvelous I just love those candles, they burn so nicely I could look at them for hours... I promise some pictures soon (I just have to remind daddy). I also love the songs we sing after we light the candles - I try to help the singing and it seems to work, everybody smiles at me (the problem is they always do, so I never know if I'm OK or not)...

Daddy and mommy each caught me sleeping this week in their bed, each time with one of my parents... They're so cute when they sleep...

Thursday, December 07, 2006

6 (six) months old

Happy half birthday to me :-) I'm 6 months old (and have been for a few days), even though it's a bit late to send you congratulations, I thought I'd tell you about it - so you'd all know...

So, how are you? I'm just groovy! I'm roaming around the new house (I don't crawl, I roll!) or at least to where mommy and daddy let me go... They still can't understand what I say (unless I want something really bad, then they can usually figure it out).

Grandma is spoiling me and she is great! My great uncle and aunt (Moish and Goldie) and then another great uncle (Yossi) came to visit me. You wouldn't believe the toys and clothes they brought me - I was so excited, I was shaking (maybe I was also a bit tired already :-(). I showed them around the place. You know they were my first baby sitters ever, back when I was very little, Right after my uncle Hershi got married.

What else? My daddy keeps on putting me on the floor (a carpet or a blanket) it seems like he wants me to do something about it – so I roll around like I know how to – but he keeps on saying “come to me, come to daddy” and I really don’t understand what he wants me to do more… He puts toys for me where I can’t reach – it is really frustrating! How can I explain to him that I don’t know what he wants?

Anyway, here are some more pictures (lots and lots of them) and a video…

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Its me again!

Heya readers,

I'm back, and sooner than you expected, not much to tell, but daddy made a new video

and some new pictures - this is for you Omama! You have to see to know what it's all about!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Better late than never...

Hi you all, daddy posted today about an excellent baby bottle, and finally had time to help me write a new post.

These last few weeks were very exciting and a lot of new things have happened. Last things first, the winter has arrived in Gimzo, last night there was so much rain... Lots of lightning and thunder through the night, but I wasn't scared - I slept just great and daddy told me about it in the morning (of course I could see everything was wet). This is my first rain ever - it is so exciting, I got a little wet today walking with mommy down the street, that was really fun, I like rain.

Another exciting thing is that we moved into the new house!!! Finally all the utilities have been connected and we are living in our new home, I have my own room, Yay! Of course there are some things that still need to be fixed but it is a lot of fun, every morning daddy or mommy take me out to look at the view and say hello to our neighbors (Achilles, Nikita, Giselle and the goats), I have the greatest view from my window, and the neighbors are great (daddy's note: we hope you all realize Mia is talking about Aviad's dogs and goats, which live right near our new home).

Omama (great grandma) sent me new pajamas, I also got a new cellphone - yes I did, you can call me anytime you want ... (daddys' comment - it makes noises but it doesn't really receive calls :-) she loves it...)

Sucot was great we stayed most of the Chag by grandma and grandpa in Gimzo, and also visited bobby in Jerusalem and grandpa in Miztpeh Jericho, you can see pictures from the Suca below.

Oh, I'm 5 months old, that means I'm on my way to being older, I started to talk with everybody around me, they usually answer me, but somehow I get the feeling that they don't really understand what I'm trying to say - so I repeat myself a lot until they do - my needs are pretty simple, you'd expect that older people are smarter - but it ain't necessarily so. At least thos of you who read my blog, seem to understand me... Can you? if you can please leave me a comment on my blog so I know that you do.

Baby Reccomendation: Dr. Brown's Baby Bottles

Daddy news flash.

Discovered through Cool Tools Blog, A recommendation for a good baby bottle that has a new idea for preventing inhalation of air when baby is drinking (no more bags).

Should be very good for new borns (when they grow older they don't have so many gas problems) :-)

Will order one for Mia...
Cool Tool: Dr. Brown's Baby Bottles

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Getting ready for succot

Mommy and daddy say I've been a very good girl (except for last night, because I hardly slept at all), because I sleep very nicely and I behaved in shul on Yom kipur and Rosh Hashana (I davened good!). It was a lot of fun to go to shul, because I got to meet many people and see interesting things (plus, I love the noise).

Rosh hashana, I spent in Gimzo mostly by Grandma and Grandpa - it was really nice, and I played with my cousin yitzchak, he's really nice and we get along just great together - he's a bit younger, but Grandma says that since his mother (Mali) is older than daddy by three months it evens out...

Yom kipur we stayed by bobby (that's grandma in yiddish) and aunt Shoham, and davened in the Italian shul - daddy says that it is very different from other shuls (I wouldn't know since this is my first Yom kipur ever, and I obviously never davened anywhere else before), and that it is really interesting to see the difference. He also says that it has another advantage on other shuls, and that is that you get to sit almost all the time, so your legs don't grow tired :-)

The house is almost finished, and daddy and mommy are preparing for the move in, there is still so much to do mostly connecting to utilities, but luckily I don't have to do anything, I've offered to help - but daddy said "thank you, but everything is taken care of already"

Succot is coming, we will probably be leaving either in the new house or by Grandma and Grandpa's (we have to evacuate the old apartment by then...)

Here are some pictures for you as well (I know you like them) - thank you daddy and mommy for helping...
Sep 28, 2006 - 9 Photos

Just A normal morning.
Sep 26, 2006 - 16 Photos

Friday, September 22, 2006

Shana Tova - Happy new year!

This is a second Happy new year post.
Shana Tova lechol beit Israel, to all our family and friends wherever they may be, a new year is starting, many new beginings.

May all your wishes come true and have a good life.

Below, Mia in her dress for the holy day:
Sep 22, 2006 - 7 Photos

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Happy new year!

I haven't been writing here often enough, and I'm sorry for this, but here I am again to report on the latest here in Israel.
Where to start? we'll start from the latest...

Eli (our contractor) delivered the new house to my grandparents backyard, exactly on schedule, which is a real rarity in Israel and the construction buisness in particular - you can see some pictures that grandpa took here:
Sep 21, 2006 - 11 Photos

It looks great, over the next few days he will finish it up, the kitchen is supposed to arrive today - lots of excitement!!! I'm very happy, I'll have my own room and a great view!

Next, Daddy is already working at Collarity, they are going to change the world, or at least the way the world searches the internet...

Now for news about ME (my names initials Mia Eshel, isn't that cute :-) I'm a big girl and my parents can't leave me alone anymore because I turn over myself! You all saw the video of me turning from stomach to back, but now I can do it the other way as well - I'll be crawling in no time!

Also daddy created a small modelling book for me, where I show the latest fashions, sometimes even accompanied by a male model (my cousin Yitzchak! we're bonding), you can see all the pictures here:
Mia Book 001
Sep 12, 2006 - 11 Photos

Happy new year to you all! from me Mia.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Cup of Water

Recently I found out that I like to drink from a cup, I still have to practice on it - but mommy says it's looking good!

Click on the video or pictures to view...

Aug 28, 2006 - 24 Photos

After a long time, I'm back! Heads up!

It's been a long time since I last wrote to you all and I'm sorry about that. Last night and this morning I practiced lifting up my head, and daddy remembered to take a video (I'm getting him very well educated).

Not much is new, daddy switched jobs and is now on vacation, he stopped working for Interwise and moved on to work for Collarity where he hopes to learn a lot of new things and make new friends. The house is progresing - the contractor came to put in the foundation for the house, and we expect it to be ready any day now.

Enjoy my video and pictures (you have to click on the picture below to see all the other pictures)

Aug 28, 2006 - 21 Photos

Friday, August 18, 2006

Practicing Handball in bed

I never thought about it before, today I discovered that I can actualy touch things that I can see and daddy shot a video that can prove it!

It was a lot of fun and all day long I was doing just that...

Later during the day daddy showed me a video called Baby Mozart, it was realy nice, daddy held me in his arms and we watched together, mommy and daddy explained what each thing in the movie was.

When daddy decided I had enough he put me back in my easy chair, I tried to tell him that I wanted to stay in his arms, but he understood that I want to continue seeing the movie... I had to keep on telling him until he understood... Well anyway, that's all - enjoy the footage (Daddy says to wait for the home run I hit at the end of the second video, he says it's worth it!).

Aug 18, 2006 - 6 Photos

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Now you can hear Mia talking (and pictures)

I spent the day with daddy while mommy and grandma went shopping for the new house (closets, sinks, kitchen stuff) mostly and a bit more (I got presents :-)), it was a lot of fun. I convinced daddy to take some more pictures and a video for you all to see.
Not much to report, the house seems to be coming along nicely and we hope to be living in it around sucot...

I have a new problem though, since I learned to flip over it happens a bit to much, I even turn over in my sleep, that wouldn't be a problem for you, but I still don't know how to flip back - it wakes me up and mommy or daddy have to come and help me do it. Another thing, I'm still trying to get the hang of holding my bottle by myself, sometimes it works and sometimes not - my parents say that it is a big help for them so I keep on trying...

Another small thing, in the pictures if you notice (you can try to zoom in) my shirt says "Daddy's little angle", daddy really likes it when I wear this shirt!

Aug 13, 2006 - 8 Photos

Friday, August 11, 2006

Mia Getting ready for Shabat

Daddy took some pictures of me while I was taking a rest before Shabat...


Aug 11, 2006 - 3 Photos

Monday, August 07, 2006

As promissed - a Mia Production, Starring Mia, Mia Eshel presents - Mia Eshel #1 Video

Mia Eshel stars, directs and produces the current holywood hit - "Mia Eshel Flips"

Remember this is a two month old baby - look at her go!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

This week in my life - going good!

Hi everybody,

You all want to see this blog updated more often - I know, but it is hard when I sleep most of the day and spend the rest eating and playing with my toys. Also my daddy hasn't yet fully embraced his digital camera, he doesn't take it everywhere, and instead of taking pictures he prefers to just play and talk to me - so he misses all the really good photo-ops...

Anyway some real news! I managed to turn myself over last week for the first time, and now I do it all the time! I got the idea from my daddy's lathe and the wood turning on it - I thought, why can't I? so I tried it out and it works... I can turn from my stomach to my back, and I'm currently working on turning right back (from back to stomach) I've already reached half way. Video will be forthcoming, as I said - my daddy still has things to learn :-)

On Friday (the last one Aug 6th) I went to Grandma and Grandpa to say hello, what a surprise when I met there my young(er) second cousin Yitzchak, who was born not long ago. He is really cute, and I like him. Mommy and Grandma put him my pack & play and we got to know each other (we bonded!). It was nice meeting him, it looks as though we will grow up together, since he and his parents are moving to Gimzo soon and we will be neighbors!

My new house is coming along really well, on the same Friday we went to visit it, and this time, daddy remembered to take some pictures...


mia 2+ months
Aug 6, 2006 - 26 Photos

Sunday, July 16, 2006

My First night of full sleep

Hi You,

The weekend started badly, I lost my pacifier and was miserable without it, Grandma provided the solution - a replacement that she had by her - this made everything look a little better, considering how much I used it over the weekend it was a lifesaver. Thank you Grandma!

We spent Shabos in Jerusalem by my Boby, Mommy and daddy went to shul while I stayed home with Bobby and Shoham, Shabos (friday) night I slept the whole night for the first time, my parents put me to sleep at about 10 PM and I woke up only at 5 AM, that's the longest I ever slept - and my parents as well! On Shabos morning w all went (as usual) to the Italian shul and had a good time at the kidush.

Shabat at Bobby's was very good, both she and my aunt Shoham were very nice to me, and we all had a great time.

Daddy didn't take pictures obviously but we do have some new ones that you can see here...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm almost sleeping now...

But let me tell you it was a nice day, I spent the whole day doing laundry with my mom, it was fun.

In the morning we went to buy a house, yes, we are building a new house behind Grandma and grandpa's house. Could you believe it? I will have my own room - all for myself. Daddy already promised to build me a dresser. Then we went to grandma's house to do some laundry - Grandma was home and really spoiled me...

Anyway, this time I'm showing you many more pictures, some with my grandparents and great-grandparents whom I really love, and the usual me not doing much...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I'm one month old

Wow, a lot has happened in this month, I grew up by a few centimeters, and added a bit more than a Kilo to my weight (4.400 Currently).

My Uncle Hershy got married Zipi (so I have a new aunt) and all my relatives came to see me (well they came for the wedding, and took the opportunity). They brought me more presents than they brought the bride and groom - THANK YOU!!!

I'm generally a happy baby, and allow my parents to get at least some sleep at night (not too much, I don't want to spoil them :-)).
Because of the wedding I got a chance to meet practically all my relatives: my grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, great aunts, uncles, great uncles and cousins - almost everybody came to the wedding and spent quality time with me.
I was even able to smile back at many of them (Yes I can smile now)...

Pictures from this month (including some wedding pictures) can be seen here

My First Post - I'm born, a blog is born

Well, I'm not actualy writing this, my father is. He decided the way to document my growing and also to share it with the family and the world is to do it in a blog.

Anyway I was born on May 23, 2006 in Tel Hashomer hospital, Israel. I weigh 3.290 Kg and am growing. This is big news!!!

Mom and Dad are happy and feeling well, So am I.

You can see pictures of me a few days old here...