Well I was up a little late today and had some extra energy to spend - and I decided to work a little on my drum play, also played a little with Daniel who is sooooo cute...
Have fun!!!!111!!!1
MiaDanielA |
GA_googleFillSlot("MiaBlog_PostBottom"); GA_googleAddSlot("ca-pub-1496104741602464", "MiaBlog_PostBottom"); GA_googleFillSlot("MiaBlog_PostBottom");
Mia now has a blog, her parents Tili and Moshe Eshel will document her growth here, so that family and friends can follow (and maybe Mia will continue by herself one day). Read below for the latest news, pictures and videos that show what's going on in Mia Eshel's life. הגעתם לבלוג של מיה אשל, מיה היא בת כמעט שנה וחצי ויש לה בלוג משלה בו היא מעדכנת את החברים ובני המשפחה על מה שקורה איתה בחיים ובכלל.
MiaDanielA |