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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Getting ready for my first birthday!

Well to tell the truth, I'm not doing much about it :-) it's my parents who are doing all the work.

How are you? I'm fine... I'm really beginning to explore my surroundings and finding new things to play with, sometimes mommy and daddy don't like it so much, but mostly they smile at me and help me stand up if I want to see something better...

I'm almost one year old, and I wanted a big birthday party so mommy and daddy agreed, and we're going to have it on the coming Friday in our garden, everybody is preparing things, mommy bought plates and cups and stuff, and we're going to eat bagels, yummy!

What else you ask? Well I started to learn how to play the piano, my uncle yosele is teaching me how to do it, I'm also singing while I'm playing... Mommy's roses are flowering, daddy also has some weird things growing, the whole world looks green and colorful.

Some pictures:


Video of Mia playing Piano:

יום הולדת שמח מיה אשל

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