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Friday, April 01, 2011

Welcome Haleli Zion Eshel

So we have a new daughter/sister and her name is Haleli Zion, הללי ציון

She is almost 4 weeks old and we are having a great time with her, just thought I'd share some pictures with you. Opappa - take a look - something in there especially for you!

With Love,
Tili, Moishie, Mia and Daniel

Grandpa Yehuda and Haleli

Haleli and Bobby

The three siblings - Mia, Daniel and Haleli

Stuffed Cabbage for Opappa

more Stuffed Cabbage for Opappa

After the bath

Who's that? I'm in shock!

I guess...

Well, can't argue with food... I think I love her.


Anonymous said...

Mazel tov!!! You have a beautiful family. I hope we'll be able to see you all when we are in Israel in a couple of weeks.
Cousins Sandra and Irving

Oksana S said...

Beatiful family! Shabat shalom!

nbw said...

Hey! Where did you get such cute kids? Mazal tov once again and all the best. Enjoy them while they are little, for then they grow up.... ;>)

Shabat Shalom,