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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dressing Up

Oooof! Mommy and Grandma say I'm a big girl already and it's time for me to start dressing up to get the boys interested... I hate it! I don't like when they dress me up. Daddy understands me so I don't mind as much when he dresses me, but today he also tried put on me something weird - I told him I didn't like it, but he continued, what could I do? he is much stronger than me. mommy and grandma seemed happy at least.
Anyway with time this is getting worse, yesterday they put ribbons in my hair -where will it end? I hope they will eventually grow out of it. (daddy took pictures, when I grow up I'll probably delete them)...
Bye for now...

1 comment:

nbw said...

Very cute!

Hope you enjoyed your sleep up till now. From now on, with those teeth coming in, I'd suggest drugs for you and wine for Mia. (Or was it drugs for Mia and wine for you? It's been a long time and it appears that I've forgotten. Shows you that time heals all hell!)
