Anyway with time this is getting worse, yesterday they put ribbons in my hair -where will it end? I hope they will eventually grow out of it. (daddy took pictures, when I grow up I'll probably delete them)...
Bye for now...
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Mia now has a blog, her parents Tili and Moshe Eshel will document her growth here, so that family and friends can follow (and maybe Mia will continue by herself one day). Read below for the latest news, pictures and videos that show what's going on in Mia Eshel's life. הגעתם לבלוג של מיה אשל, מיה היא בת כמעט שנה וחצי ויש לה בלוג משלה בו היא מעדכנת את החברים ובני המשפחה על מה שקורה איתה בחיים ובכלל.
1 comment:
Very cute!
Hope you enjoyed your sleep up till now. From now on, with those teeth coming in, I'd suggest drugs for you and wine for Mia. (Or was it drugs for Mia and wine for you? It's been a long time and it appears that I've forgotten. Shows you that time heals all hell!)
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